Churches offer a spiritual ambience to commemorate the union of a couple in the presence of God. Having a church wedding is a popular choice with Christian and Catholic couples for them to hold their solemnization and declare their marriage vows. The wedding ceremonies also have their differences when it comes to a Christian or Catholic wedding.
There are also no restrictions on which day of the week you want to hold your church wedding. While most weddings happen on a Saturday, it is best to check with the church you choose on the days that they are available for rental.
Can a Christian and Catholic get married?
Before delving into the differences between Christian and Catholic weddings, you might be wondering if a Christian and Catholic can get married. And if they do, how should they go about holding their church wedding in Singapore?
All Christians believe in God and the Bible. However, under Christianity, there are many different denominations. Catholicism is considered one of the major ones. The other two major ones being Protestants and Orthodox Christians. Hence, all Catholics are also Christians but not all Christians are Catholics.
The Catholic Church has requirements before it recognises a couple to have a valid sacrament of marriage. For instance, it considers a marriage between two Catholics as sacramental. It also recognises the marriage of two baptized Protestants or two baptized Orthodox christians. For marriages between baptized non-Catholic Christians and Catholic Christians, they will also be recognised although they require consent to be acquired from the diocesan bishop. This is termed as “permission to enter into a mixed marriage”.
In conclusion, a Christian and Catholic can definitely get married as long as the permission from the Catholic Church is given and both individuals have been baptized.
Christinaity is a common religion among Singaporeans with approximately 20% of the country’s population being Christians. Out of these Christians, there are also different denominations or “sub-groups”. In 2010, about 38.5% of Singapore’s Christians identified as Catholic while the remaining 61.5% identified as ‘Other Christians’ (primarily Protestants).
The major 3 denominations are Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy. Protestant traditions also consist of an array of denominations. Local ones mostly consist of Anglicans, Methodists, Pentecostals, Baptists, Reformed (mostly Presbyterians and Dutch Reformed and Lutherans.
Christian Churches Wedding in Singapore
When the guests have all taken their seats, the ceremony kicks off with the processional where all the necessary parties enter the altar. The marriage officiant who is known as the minister for Christian weddings will be the first to enter. The groom will follow after alone. After the groom has reached the altar. He will turn to watch the rest take their turns walking in. The bridesmaids and groomsmen will generally be paired up to enter together. The last pair will be the maid of honour with the best man. As they reach the altar, they will stand at the sides of the altar as seen below. Lastly, the minister will give the signal for all the guests to rise for the bride. The bride will then enter while being escorted by her father to be handed over to the groom.
Opening Prayer
The opening prayer is a holy act of worship to show appreciation and call upon God’s blessing for the union between the couple to take place. The opening remarks typically begin with “Dearly Beloved” and seek to invite your guests to join in together in worship. After the opening prayer, the congregation is usually asked to take their seats.
Worship Hymns
The wedding music is up to the choice of the couple. They can select a worship song for the entire congregation to sing, a hymn, an instrumental or have a special solo. Generally, your song choices are meant to praise God and will reflect your feelings and characters as a couple. Typically, 3 to 4 songs can be played.
While it varies for different church weddings in Singapore, Christian weddings will always contain prayers and readings from the Bible. The pastor will give a sermon that can last anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes. These passages are chosen carefully for each couple and informs them of the importance of a marriage. At many wedding ceremonies, the couple will also light candles which represent the light of Jesus. Christians believe that they will guide the couple as they begin their new chapter of life together.
Given by the minister performing the ceremony, it will remind the couple of their individual roles and duties in the marriage. It serves as a preparation for the vows that they will exchange soon.
During the pledge, this will be the time where the couple says their “I Dos”. It is a declaration to the guests and witnesses that they are getting married to each other by their own free will.
Wedding Vows
A pivotal moment of all weddings, the bride and groom turn to face each other before reading their own individual wedding vows. They will promise publicly in the presence of God and all their loved ones to be united as a couple in their marital life. These vows are sacred and express their entrance into a covenant relationship.
Exchange of Rings
Upon exchange their wedding vows, they will exchange rings. They symbolise eternity for their rounded shape indicating that there is no end to their love. Wearing these wedding bands is an everlasting promise of love and commitment to grow together for the rest of their lives together.
Lighting Unity Candle
The lighting of the unity candle symbolises the union of two hearts becoming one. They will do it in unison as shown below. After it is lit, they will also blow out their own smaller taper candles together to symbolise being together until death does them apart.
After signing their marriage certificates, the minister will declare that the bride and groom are now husband and wife. The couple will take their first kiss as a married couple in front of the altar.
Closing Prayer
A closing prayer signifies the end of the wedding ceremony. It expresses a blessing from the congregation given by the minister to wish the couple well on their marital journey.
The couple will take their march out of the church as their guests stand and cheer for them. They will be followed behind by their ring bearers, flowers girls, wedding party, important family members and finally the minister. After the wedding ceremony at the church, there will usually be a lunch buffet or some form of catering and refreshments provided for the guests to enjoy.
As a guest for a church wedding, there are general rules for your attire. To show respect in a house of worship, everyone should bring a shawl or jacket to cover any bare shoulders. Dresses or skirts should also fall below the knees.
Traditionally, guests would sit at the side of the individual that they are afflicted with. However, this tradition may not be followed as strictly by modern couples now as some guests may feel equally attached to both partners of the couple.
Weddings in Catholic Churches in Singapore
Check out All Catholic Churches in Singapore Part 1 and All Catholic Wedding Churches in Singapore Part 2
While there are similarities between a Catholic and Christian wedding, Catholic weddings are usually more ceremonial and are full of rituals.
Firstly, the groom and the best man will enter from the side of the church. The bridesmaids and groomsmen will pair up and walk down the aisle together. Unlike Christian weddings, the maid of honour will enter as the last bridesmaid alone. Like Christian weddings, the bride will be escorted by her father as the assembly stands to welcome them in.
For Catholic couples, there is a high probability that their wedding ceremony will take place during a Nuptial Mass. This includes readings of the Liturgy of the Word which will be followed through by the Rite of Marriage (exchange of vows and rings) and finally the Liturgy of the Eucharist (communion).
If their ceremony is not a full Mass, it will generally include a Celebration of Matrimony which omits the Liturgy of the Eucharist (communion).
Liturgy is the customary public worship and is a sacred activity. Each couple will choose different scriptures and prayers for the assembly to recite together. The readings should be chosen together as a couple to reflect their promise for their relationship and marital life. Liturgies are also printed out and handed to guests before the start of Mass.
Rise for the traditional song called a Gospel Acclamation. The priest will end off with a gospel reading. As a conclusion, he says “The Gospel of the Lord”. After the assembly responds, “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ”, they can take their seats.
The Homily is a short sermon where guests will be seated. The sermon will talk about the importance of a Catholic wedding ceremony from scripture readings.
Rite of Marriage
Similar to the exchange of wedding vows and rings in Christian weddings, the couple say their “I Dos”, recite their vows and exchange their wedding rings. The wordings may vary from church to church, but will usually follow a similar pattern; “I (your name) take (his/her name) to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife). I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you for all the days of my life.”
To add their own personal touch, some priests may also allow couples to write their own vows or add on a few lines to the traditional vows.
After they exchange rings, the priest will say a prayer over their marriage to bless them on their marital journey. The priest will then invite the couple to take their first kiss as a married couple as a conclusion to the ceremony.
Liturgy of the Eucharist (communion)
If the couple chooses to partake in a Nuptial Mass, the altar will now be prepared for the Liturgy of the Eucharist or communion. Catholics will form a queue in front of the bishop to receive the Eucharist. This ritual is limited to Catholics only. Non-Catholic guests can stay seated and express good prayers for the couple in their thoughts.
Lord’s Prayer
The assembly will pray or sing together the Lord’s Prayer.
Dismissal of Congregation
The priest will dismiss the congregation with an exchange like “Go in Peace to glorify the Lord with your life.”
To conclude the whole ceremony, the couple will march out of the church. Similar to Christian weddings, it happens in the reverse order of the processional.
Similar to Christian weddings, men should basically wear a shirt and tie while ladies should bring along a shawl or jacket to cover any bare shoulders or legs. As liturgies will be read out during Mass, it may be hard to follow along if you are non-Catholic. However, they will be printed out and handed to each guest before Mass commences. A lot of standing and sitting may happen during different rituals. However, the priest will usually lead the assembly to do so, to ensure they are not lost on what to do.
List of Churches in Singapore
To choose a church for your wedding, there are many factors to consider. It can be one either the bride-to-be or groom-to-be has attended since young, and also the denominations of each church.
Majority of Christian couples meet in church, whether it’s through church-related activities, events or service. For couples who attend the same church, it’s easy to select a church. It will usually be this church that they have attended together where they have created shared memories throughout the years of their relationship. However, there may be exceptions where a couple wishes to choose another church, whether it is for the aesthetics or other reasons. Some churches might also not allow you to rent it if you are not from their church.
Traditionally, if both partners are from different churches, it is usually held at the bride’s church. However, there is no hard and fast rule as this tradition is slowly diminishing. Ultimately, the couple should agree on the same church! After all, you wouldn’t want to get married in a venue you’re unhappy with.
Oriental Orthodoxy
Church | Phone Number | Website | |
Armenian Apostolic Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator | 6334 0141 | | |
Armenian Apostolic Church of St.Gregory the Illuminator
As the first Christian church built in Singapore in 1835, the Armenian Apostolic Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator is a popular choice among Christian couples. It was also helmed a National Monument by the Singapore’s National Heritage Board in 1973. The interior of the church is decorated based on traditional Armenian Church architecture. It definitely adds some extra elegance and distinct rustic feel to your wedding. Outside the church, it is surrounded by a tranquil Memorial Garden as a sanctuary in honour of the Armenian community. This garden is optimal for couples to have their wedding receptions. It is also conveniently located within walking distance from the Registry of Marriages.
Process: Christians of any denominations are all welcome to have their wedding at this church. However, they do not have a resident priest and pastor to conduct your wedding ceremony. Hence, couples will have to procure their priest themselves.
Generally, they allow up to 2 weddings per day. A morning wedding from 9am to 1pm and an afternoon one from 2pm to 6pm. The church can seat up to 100 guests while the garden area can accommodate up to 200 for the reception.
Cost: A minimum donation is requested for all weddings. In 2015, the minimum for a 4-hour period was $2600. Couples should expect to donate a similar amount. Wedding photography and videography are also allowed with a $100 minimum donation to acquire a prior written permission.
Tentative bookings are not allowed. They will only confirm your wedding date upon receipt of your donation in full amount. You can check for the church’s availability by contacting them from their email.
Church | Phone Number | Website | |
Anglican | |||
St. Andrew’s Cathedral | 6337 6104 / 6337 6107 | | |
St. George’s Church | 6473 2877 | | |
Chapel of the Holy Spirit | 6289 6313 | | |
Methodist | |||
Kampong Kapor Methodist Church | 6293 7997 | | |
Barker Road Methodist Church | 6256 4298 | | |
Wesley Methodist Church | 6336 1443 | | |
Charis Methodist Church | 9618 8630 | | |
Paya Lebar Methodist Church | 6285 1234 | | |
Aldersgate Methodist Church | 6773 1964 | | |
Presbyterian | |||
Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church | 6337 0595 | | |
Orchard Road Presbyterian Church | 6337 6681 |
| |
Amazing Grace Presbyterian Church | 6442 3986 | | |
Lutheran | |||
Queenstown Lutheran Church | 6473 7866 | | |
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer | 6466 4500 | | |
St. Andrew’s Cathedral
St Andrew’s Cathedral laid its foundation in Singapore in 1862 and is the oldest Anglican worship site in Singapore. The interior is fashioned with a Neo-Classical architectural style and offers a gothic vibe. This magnificent building boasts high ceilings and glorious stained glass windows that will have your guests wow-ing.
Process: The Cathedral only rents out its premises to members of the church. As long as one of you is a member, the church will be happy to conduct your wedding. They believe that it will be more meaningful for Christian couples to get married in their own churches and encourage couples to do so. Moreover, only weddings of first marriages can be held at St. Andrew’s Cathedral.
It is required for couples to apply approximately a year ahead of their wedding and attend their Marriage Preparation Course (7-week program) held twice yearly. They have licensed priests and pastors for your wedding. A rehearsal will be conducted a few days before your wedding to guide you along and ensure things go smoothly on the actual day.
For couples who wish to take their pre-wedding photography, the Cathedral also opens the rest of its compounds from 8am to 6pm for couples to do so. Shooting inside the Cathedral is prohibited and a fee is chargeable. This grand venue can accommodate up to 300 seated.
Cost: The Marriage Preparation Course will cost $100 for each couple and is to be paid full in cash on your first lesson.
St. George’s Church
Between 1910 and 1913, St. George’s Church was erected and named a National Monument in 1978. Built with a charming red brick and featuring beautifully stained glass, it provides a homely and warm atmosphere for your wedding. The classical Romanesque design is also a perfect backdrop for your photos.
Process: As the church has plenty of their own activities, the use of the church for weddings are reserved to only members of the church. At least one partner of the couple has to be a St. George’s member to book the venue. A booking enquiry is also required at least a year in advance.
They also provide a marriage preparation course to address different topics and guide the couple along in preparing for their wedding. This process will usually take around 6 months to complete and includes notifying the Registry of Marriages.
Chapel of the Holy Spirit
Established in late 1979, Chapel of the Holy Spirit has gone through various location changes before settling down at Potong Pasir in 2006. The church offers a modern and sophisticated look that can certainly enhance your wedding.
Kampong Kapor Methodist Church
Founded in 1894, Kampong Kapor Methodist Church is a family-oriented church that is constantly growing together with the times. The current building was completed in 1930 and the church changed their name from ‘Straits Chinese Church’ to the current one in hopes to be inclusive in a multi-racial country.
Process: The church offers a marriage preparation course with 4 class sessions. They recommend every couple to complete the course at least a year before their wedding.
Barker Road Methodist Church
Initially started out as a gathering by a group of ACS boys staying at Oldham Hall in 1956 in a small music room, they grew in numbers and their congregation was officially recognised as a Methodist church in 1957. The church features traditional wooden pews and a charming stained glass window.
Process: Only members of the church can get married here. They have a compulsory Marriage Preparation Course for couples who wish to get married in their church. This course aims to equip the couple with a better understanding of their relationship from a Biblical perspective and skills to enable them throughout their future marital life. The course has to be attended at least a year in advance.
Wesley Methodist Church
Wesley is the oldest and largest Methodist church in Singapore that was built in 1908 Located in the heart of the city, it adopts an English-style of architecture with its warm, red brickwork and stunning stained glass windows.
Process: The usage of the sanctuary is limited to members of Wesley Methodist Church. Either one partner has to be a member. Both the bride and groom must also be Christian. You have to apply at least 9 months before your solemnisation date. Your application will take approximately 3 to 4 weeks to be processed and is done so on a first-come-first-serve basis. The Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) is also to be completed during the 9 months. Weddings will be conducted by their pastor although they may consider having it conducted by other Methodist Pastors as well.
Your wedding will be held on a Saturday. They offer 2 different time slots for you to choose from; 10am to 12pm or 2pm to 4pm.
They also have a Wedding Buffet Reception form that contains requirements for you in choosing your caters or vendors. These are strict rules to abide by and failing to adhere to them will cause your deposit to be forfeited.
Charis Methodist Church
The warm wooden columns bring the church its undeniable rustic charm. With a high triangular ceiling held by symmetrical beams, the interior looks simple but is a cosy and lovely venue to have an intimate wedding.
Process: Rental of the church for weddings is open to all baptised Christians of mainstream denominations. This can be done by contacting their Marriage Ministry via email or phone call. The church can seat up to 400 guests.
Cost: Booking the sanctuary costs $600 for the first 3 hours and will incur an additional $100 for each extra hour. If you wish to have your reception at the Social Hall that can accommodate 120 people, it is $400 for the first 3 hours. An additional $30 will be incurred for each extra hour. Alternatively, choosing to have your reception at the Open Plaza is $240 for the tent.
Paya Lebar Methodist Church
A large hall with raised ceilings and wooden pews, the church provides a comfortable and grand venue for weddings. The sanctuary also has a beautiful stained glass depicting Jesus Christ’s ascend to heaven at the altar which is one of the most elaborate ones in churches. It provides a dazzling backdrop for wedding ceremonies and is sure to have your guests swooning.
Process: Usage of the church for weddings is limited to members of Paya Lebar Methodist Church. Couples also have to sign up for a compulsory Marriage Preparation Course conducted at the church. It covers various topics like financial management, communication and conflict resolution and others with the aim to prepare the couple well before they get married. Their course is usually conducted during the 1st quarter of the year in March or April.
Application for a booking has to be done at least 9 months prior to the wedding date. Weddings are to be held only on Saturdays (excluding public holidays). They offer 2 time slots to choose from – 11am or 2:30pm. If there is no preferred pastor, the officiating pastor will be assigned by the church.
Cost: A deposit of $1000 has to be made in the form of a cheque only. The deposit will be returned to the couple if the caterer and couple abide by all their guidelines.
Aldersgate Methodist Church
Located in the Dover Road and Buona Vista area, Aldersgate Methodist Church offers both English and Chinese services. The church is simply furnished but its charm comes from the cosiness and friendly atmosphere.
Process: The church welcomes both members and non-members of Aldersgate Methodist Church to have their wedding here. Non-members have to be official Methodist members in their own church. Booking for use of the Sanctuary/Social Hall must be made at least 6 months in advance. Official members will be given priority on a first-come-first-serve basis. Wedding rehearsals will also be held only on Mondays and Thursdays.
Cost: They have different wedding packages at different price points depending on the hours and crew you wish to engage from Aldersgate Methodist Church. They also have wedding floral packages to prepare floral decorations at entrances, altar are and reception table for you if desired.
They offer rental charges of band instruments for your wedding. As a member of the church, you get a special deal of $50 while non members have to pay $200.
A deposit of $100 is to be made to confirm your booking after approval from the Pastor. The deposit will be refunded if all rules and regulations are adhered to. Full payment via cheque is to be made 2 weeks before your wedding.
Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church
Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church was the oldest Presbyterian church in Singapore in 1843. Previously known as Malay Mission Chapel, it changed to its current name in 1957. Gazetted as a National Monument in 2000, its characteristic red brick structure brings a sense of grandeur to the whole venue. The church’s present Romanesque style architecture makes it a popular choice among couples.
Process: Rental for weddings is given priority to members of the church. It also has a seating capacity of 400.
Orchard Road Presbyterian Church
Built in 1878, Orchard Road Presbyterian Church is distinguishable by the grand old organ which is the main architectural feature of the hall. The tall pipes are framed by ornately carved arches and wooden screens which give the church its charm.
Process: Either the bride or groom must be a member of the church to hold their wedding here. The marriage preparation class must also be taken beforehand.
Amazing Grace Presbyterian Church
Amazing Grace Presbyterian Church began as an English Service of Holy Grace Presbyterian Church which is a predominantly Hainanese-speaking church. Since 1978, they have grown but remained humble in a united purpose of bringing God greater glory. While it looks small from the outside, the interior boasts a spacious hall with a minimalist design.
Process: Christian couples are welcome to rent the venue for their wedding even if they are not members of the church.
Queenstown Lutheran Church
Established in the 60s in the heartlands of Commonwealth Drive, Queenstown Lutheran Church is the second oldest Lutheran congregation in Singapore. The exterior features a bold pyramidal roof made of striking red brick work. Interior-wise, it includes a sanctuary with striking geometry and multicoloured glass panels that add light and sparkle to the church. The sanctuary has a high ceiling and can seat up to 350 people.
Process: They rent out its premise to both members and non members of the church.
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer is Singapore’s first Lutheran church. It has a minimalistic yet stunning interior with detailed stained glass designs. The sanctuary can fit 250 guests comfortably and take up to 500 people.
Process: Priority of booking of the venue for weddings is given to members of the church.
Cathedral of the Good Shepherd
Built in 1847, the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd is the oldest Roman Catholic church in Singapore. It has also been gazetted as a National Monument in 1973. After a 3 year major restoration project, it opened in 2016 with a modern and classy architectural design.
Process: To book the venue, at least one partner has to be a baptised Catholic. A licensed Catholic Priest must also have agreed to be the presider and solemniser at your wedding beforehand. The Catholic Engaged Encounter or Marriage Preparation Course and Prenuptial Inquiry must have been completed before application. You also need to book them at least 6 months in advance.
Weddings at the Cathedral are held only on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at a fixed timing of 10am. Rehearsal day is fixed on Thursday evening, 2 days before your wedding. Reservation of the date is subject to a first-come-first-serve basis.
Cost: Use of the main church costs $1000. It comes with a complimentary additional flower arrangements for Unity Candle and Bouquet for the bride. To make use of JM Beurel Centre 1st Storey Hall, an additional $400 is required. This hall can accommodate a maximum of 100 persons.
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes
Originally constructed for the demand of the Indian population, the church was built in 1888. The interior design is based on the French architectural style with fine gothic arches, designs and unglazed and naturally coloured tile roofs.
Process: To rent the church, at least one partner has to be a baptised Catholic. You need to confirm with the priest that he is free to preside at your wedding and ensure the church is available on your wedding date. This should be done 6 months in advance. The priest who agrees to officiate at your wedding is the one to book the church through their system. Couples also have to complete the Marriage Preparation Course or the Catholic Engaged Encounter at least 6 months to a year in advance.
Church of St. Bernadette
In 1959, the church was erected in commemoration of the centenary of the apparitions of Our Lady by St. Bernadette. It has a unique structure with the blue neon-lit crucifix atop the roof. Despite the changes throughout the years, it has remained a vibrant space for its parishioners.
Process: Usage of the church is exclusive to its members only.
Church of St. Teresa
Established in 1929, it was Singapore’s first rural church built on the eastern slope of Bukit Purmei in Kampong Bahru. In 2009, it was also gazetted a National Monument. The conceptualisation of the Church of St. Teresa initially started in order to create a church to serve the Chinese Catholic community in Singapore.
It is the only building in Singapore that features Romano-Byzantine architecture. The side windows are set within arches and adorned with elaborate designs.
Process: An appointment with a priest for an interview and orientation is required at least 6 months in advance.
Weekend weddings have to end by 4:30pm to avoid disrupting their sunset Mass. Their weddings are generally held on Saturday mornings or afternoons. The Marriage Preparation Course also has to be completed beforehand.
Cost: A token contribution of $200 is required to use the church for your wedding. For your wedding reception, the cost varies based on the venue you choose. Usage of the canteen and pastoral centre requires $200 while using the foyer and parish house at level 3 requires a higher price of $300. Rental of the video system would also cost $100.
Church of St. Peter and Paul
As one of the oldest Catholic churches in Singapore, it was built in 1870 to meet the growing needs of Chinese and Tamil worshippers. It was also gazetted as a National Monument in 2003. It boasts a Neo-Gothic style with stunning features of elaborate stained glass windows, a barrel vault and pointed arches.
Church of the Sacred Heart
Since it was built, several rounds of renovations were done to upgrade the church over the years. With the latest renovation being done in 2007, a columbarium garden was built behind the church making it the third parish at the time to do so.
Process: Wedding arrangements must be made with the Parish office at least a year in advance. Couples also have to complete either the Engaged Encounter or Marriage Preparation Courses. It is important to note that the church does not provide a holding room for the bride and no private room for tea ceremony. An interview needs to be conducted with the priest before approval will be granted.
Cost: It cost $300 to use the church and an additional $400 for the canteen. The canteen can seat up to 150 people. Renting the canteen for $400 will be for a 2-hour block use.
St. Joseph’s Church
Located along Victoria Street, St. Joseph’s Church boasts a glamorous and grand building with a Neo-Gothic architectural style. It features stunning stained glass and an ornate altar in the interior. It was also gazetted as a National Monument and is the church with one of the largest religious stained glass collections in Singapore.
Church of St. Francis Xavier
Established in 1959 in the Serangoon Gardens Estate, the Church of St. Francis Xavier underwent a renovation in 2000 and came back with a modern and glamorous look. Impressive stained glass panels decorate the interiors and will be sure to leave your guests wowed. It has a large seating capacity of 2000.
Process: Ensure your presiding priest is available and booking needs to be done at least a year in advance. Couples have to attend the Marriage Preparation Course or Engaged Encounter to be better equipped with the fundamentals of a Catholic wedding.
Cost: A contribution of $500 is to be paid to the church for their maintenance fees.
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The church started out as an attap chapel built in 1853. As years progressed, it was subsequently replaced by a brick chapel. After undergoing name changes, the church became the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the courtyard, a statue of Mary is erected and called “The Immaculate Conception of Mary”.
Process: Only members will be able to rent this church and use the priest present for their wedding. Non-members will need to invite their own priest to officiate the wedding here. Generally, they will only allow first marriages but this can be further discussed with your priest.
No wedding mass will be conducted on Sunday and the different time slots available are on Saturdays at 9am, 11am and 1pm. Couples have to attend the obligatory Marriage Preparation Course or Engaged Encounter Weekend.
A pre-nuptial interview will be held with the solemnising priest at least 3 months before the wedding to go through the pre-nuptial.
Cost: The cost varies based on the service and venues that you wish to book for your wedding. The main church costs $400. Use of other areas for your reception like the “Casa Maria” or Pavilion costs $350 and $150 each respectively. Floral arrangements in the sanctuary can also be prepared at a cost of $100. Other services are also available like the AV projection for $50 and powerpoint preparation for $20.
Donation is to be made in cash upon confirmation of bookings. Other tokens of appreciation are to be given directly to the sacristan and altar servers if any.
Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
The Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour was built to accommodate the increasing number of worshippers living in Katong back in 1961. After renovations, the church is now an air-conditioned space with a comfortable seating space of 1600 separated into 8 pews. Even with this wide space, one will not easily miss the eye-catching and huge stained glass panel above the altar.
Process: Arrangement for weddings at the church must be made at least a year before your wedding ceremony. Couples also have to attend the compulsory Marriage Preparation Course or Catholic Engaged Encounter at least 6 months to a year ahead. The booking will be confirmed when the couple has signed the acknowledgement of the necessary requirements explained by the priest. An interview will also be organised to complete the Pre-Nuptial Inquiry form with the priest.
Cost: A cash or cheque contribution of $200 is needed to confirm the booking. This contribution is non-refundable. Besides, a love offering of $250 for choir services and commentator is required. Usage of the Parish Hall will be $250 paid to the church. The use of the canteen is included and can only be used for 2 hours only.
Blessed Sacrament Church
Founded in 1958 and finally built in 1965, Blessed Sacrament Church is easily distinguishable from the unique exterior. It is fondly dubbed the ‘origami church’ for its iconic slate roof that is constructed in folds resembling the shape of a tent. It symbolises the “tent of meeting” in the Old Testament. With this special roof structure, it also creates distinct ‘dents’ in the interior and allows for a dramatic play on the lighting and shadows. This enables the church to give off a rustic and comfy feeling.
Process: Only members of the church can hold their wedding here and the parish secretariat needs to be informed at least 6 months in advance.
Church of the Holy Cross
In 1980, the church was officially opened. Named after the Holy Cross on which Jesus died, the exterior is sheltered by a gigantic cross. While the interior looks simple, it provides a friendly and cosy atmosphere for an intimate wedding.
Process: Weddings can be held on both weekdays and Saturdays only at 9am or 11:30am. Availability of dates for your wedding should be checked with the Secretariat at least 6 months in advance.
Church of St. Mary of The Angels
Initially beginning as a small hilltop chapel for the friars, it has grown over the years and met with overcrowding issues as the number of parishioners tripled. Since then a new bigger church was completed in 2003 with excellent facilities and stunning architecture.
Process: At least one partner has to be a baptised Catholic to rent the space at the church. For Catholic couples, they will usually celebrate their marriage within a Mass. If the couple is made up of a Catholic and a non-Catholic, a Wedding Service without Mass is advised.
Firstly, confirm with the priest that he is free to preside at your wedding and the church is available for usage on that date. Once the date is confirmed, the Wedding Booking Form should be completed and returned to the Parish Office with a deposit of $500 (refundable). The Marriage Preparation Course is compulsory for couples to attend at least 4 months before the wedding.
Cost: As a deposit for the booking, $500 is required which will be refunded later on. Engaging the service of the choir will also incur a donation of $200.
Contemporary repurposed venues
Church | Phone Number | Website | |
CHIJMES Hall by Watabe Wedding | 6336 5320 | | |
The White Rabbit | 6473 9965 | | |
CHIJMES Hall by Watabe Wedding
For couples who want a more contemporary and modern experience, CHIJMES Hall is the perfect choice. In 1990, it was also gazetted as a National Monument of Singapore. Right from the outside, the striking features give the building its shimmer and grandeur. The interior is gracefully lit up with sparkling crystal chandeliers and elaborate stained glass windows.
Process: With over 60 years of experience in the wedding industry, the Watabe Wedding Group provides a range of professional services from wedding planning to even photography services. To understand booking matters better, you can engage them for a personalised site visit where their professional consultants will guide you along.
Cost: As CHIJMES Hall also provides lunches or dinners, the costs quoted are based on the starting price for ten guests. Both lunch and dinner prices can range from $1528 to $1799 depending on the day you choose.
The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit is a restaurant housed in a beautifully restored 1930s chapel. The restaurant has elegant architectural elements from the stained glass windows to the elegantly lit light structures. It also features an outdoor venue, The Rabbit Hole which serves as the perfect backdrop for wedding photos. Solemnisation can also be held here for couples who are looking for a garden wedding.
Process: To enquire about their availability, booking can be done online on their website.
Cost: Costs will vary depending on the menu you choose. This can be further discussed once you have decided to engage them.