
Top 30 Bridal Bouquet Wedding Flowers in Singapore

Here is a list of 30 Bridal Bouquet Wedding Flowers from Wedding Florist in Singapore who will do up the most remarkable and captivating creations for your big day. Wedding Flowers make a big difference in creating the mood for a wedding. There are many ways Wedding flowers can brighten and liven up the atmosphere. Whether it’s your alluring bridal bouquet or in elaborate centerpieces or backdrops, florists can help to make your dreamlike wedding become even more extraordinary.

Check out our article on Complete Guide to  Wedding Flowers.

Check out our article on Best Wedding Cakes in Singapore. 

Check out our article on  Best Wedding Planners Singapore.

Check out our article on 50 Unique Pre-Wedding Locations.

Poppy Flora Studio, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/22-Poppy-Flora-Studio-logo-300x71.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/22-Poppy-Flora-Studio-logo.png, 22 Poppy Flora Studio logoherepoppy@poppy.com.sg 
amyt.fleur, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/3-amyt.fleur-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/3-amyt.fleur-logo.jpg, 3 amyt.fleur logohere



Bloomen, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/04-Bloomen-logo-148x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/04-Bloomen-logo.jpg, 04 Bloomen logoheredaryl@bloomen.co
Hello From Flour, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/18-Hello-From-Flour-logo.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/18-Hello-From-Flour-logo.png, 18 Hello From Flour logoherehello@hellofromflour.com
Florals By Benita, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/13-Florals-By-Benita-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/13-Florals-By-Benita-logo.jpg, 13 Florals By Benita logohereb@bybenita.com
Liz Florals, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/20-Liz-Florals-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/20-Liz-Florals-logo.jpg, 20 Liz Florals logoherelizflorals@gmail.com
85 Flowers, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/01-85-Flowers-logo.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/01-85-Flowers-logo.jpg, 01 85 Flowers logohereenquiry@85flowers.com.sg
Adorninglory, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/02-Adorninglory-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/02-Adorninglory-logo.jpg, 02 Adorninglory logohereadorninglory@gmail.com
CCLee Design, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/5-CC-Lee-logo-150x150.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/5-CC-Lee-logo.png, 5 CC Lee logohereccleems@gmail.com
Fiore Dorato, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/06-Fiore-Dorato-logo.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/06-Fiore-Dorato-logo.png, 06 Fiore Dorato logohereBridal Bouquetinfo@fioredorato.com.sg
Fleur de Joy, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/07-Fleur-de-Joy-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/07-Fleur-de-Joy-logo.jpg, 07 Fleur de Joy logohere fleurdejoysg@gmail.com
Fleurapy, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/08-Fleurapy-logo.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/08-Fleurapy-logo.jpg, 08 Fleurapy logoherehello@fleurapy.com
Fleurlicious, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/09-Fleurlicious-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/09-Fleurlicious-logo.jpg, 09 Fleurlicious logoherejustin@fleurlicious.com
Floral Garage Singapore, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/10-Floral-Garage-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/10-Floral-Garage-logo.jpg, 10 Floral Garage logohereservice@floralgaragesg.com
Floral Magic, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/11-Floral-Magic-logo-135x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/11-Floral-Magic-logo.jpg, 11 Floral Magic logohereeveryday@floralmagic.com.sg
Florals Actually, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/12-Florals-Actually-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/12-Florals-Actually-logo.jpg, 12 Florals Actually logoherefloralsactually@gmail.com
Flowers and Jars, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/14-Flowers-and-Jars-logo-200x150.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/14-Flowers-and-Jars-logo.png, 14 Flowers and Jars logohere info@flowersandjars.sg
Flower Story, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/15-Flower-Story-logo-212x150.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/15-Flower-Story-logo.png, 15 Flower Story logohereflowerstorysg@gmail.com
Green Point Flowers, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/16-Green-Point-Flowers-logo.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/16-Green-Point-Flowers-logo.png, 16 Green Point Flowers logoheregreenpointflowers@gmail.com
hello flowers!, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/17-hello-flowers-logo-161x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/17-hello-flowers-logo.jpg, 17 hello flowers! logoherehello@helloflowers.sg
Keira Floral, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/19-Keira-Floral-logo-116x150.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/19-Keira-Floral-logo.png, 19 Keira Floral logoherehello@keirafloral.com
Petals & Foliage (Knots & Gifts), https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/21-Petals-Foliage-Knots-Gifts-logo-266x150.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/21-Petals-Foliage-Knots-Gifts-logo.png, 21 Petals & Foliage (Knots & Gifts) logohereinfo@knotsandgifts.com
Sing See Soon, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/23-Sing-See-Soon-logo-150x150.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/23-Sing-See-Soon-logo.png, 23 Sing See Soon logohereadmin@singseesoon.com
SkinnyBlooms, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/24-SkinnyBlooms-logo-300x140.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/24-SkinnyBlooms-logo.png, 24 SkinnyBlooms logohereshopskinnyblooms@gmail.com
Stalk Blush, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/25-Stalk-Blush-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/25-Stalk-Blush-logo.jpg, 25 Stalk Blush logoherehello@stalkblush.com
The Bloomish Eden, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/26-The-Bloomish-Eden-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/26-The-Bloomish-Eden-logo.jpg, 26 The Bloomish Eden logoherethebloomisheden@gmail.com
The Floral Atelier, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/27-The-Floral-Atelier-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/27-The-Floral-Atelier-logo.jpg, 27 The Floral Atelier logoherefloral@the-atelier.co
The Flower Library, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/28-The-Flower-Library-logo.png, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/28-The-Flower-Library-logo.png, 28 The Flower Library logohere theflowerlibrary@gmail.com
Twenty Three Flowers, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/29-Twenty-Three-Flowers-logo-200x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/29-Twenty-Three-Flowers-logo.jpg, 29 Twenty Three Flowers logoherehello@twentythreeflowers.com
Whim & Prayer, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/30-Whim-Prayer-logo-150x150.jpg, https://www.justmarriedfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/30-Whim-Prayer-logo.jpg, 30 Whim & Prayer logoherewhimandprayer@gmail.com

Poppy Flora Studio

Bridal Bouquet

Poppy Flora Studio crafts floral art that redefines expectations, inspires actions, builds relationships and forges memories. From bridal bouquets to arrangements, every piece of their work has a story to tell. For over 10 years, the founder Sarah has been teaching and innovating floral art with a constant fuel to exceed expectations, including her own.


In addition, to advocate the art of floral arrangement, they hold hands-on workshops that focus on giving in-depth tutelage while encouraging students to investigate and develop their own signature styles. Workshops are also conducted by the seasons’ collections, styles and techniques. This allows for new and fresh ideas coming out every time.


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Bridal Bouquet

Amyt.fleur creates a range of fuss-free bridal bouquets and bespoke designs that will evoke emotions that warm more than just hearts. With their wedding flowers, Amy seeks to rekindle love and bring back fond memories for couples who engage Amyt.fleur. They provide wedding flowers for all kinds of occasions. From graduation, everyday life to bridal weddings, they are the florist to choose. If you’re looking for dried or preserved flowers, they can also create beautiful bridal bouquets with them.


A wide range of classes, whether private or in a team, are also held to foster team building while learning a new skill.


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Bridal Bouquet

Established in 2016 by couple Daryl and Hema, Bloomen is a home-based online florist that offers a customised service for your floral needs. Every arrangement is made with soul and utmost effort. Whether it’s a bridal bouquet or a gift bouquet, they always use only the freshest blooms to create a design that lasts an impression.


With passion and dedication to create the loveliest floral installations for every unique couple, you can trust the couple to deliver dazzling designs.

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Hello From Flour

Bridal Bouquet

Hello From Flour is helmed by a husband and wife duo, Larry and Jophia, who strives to create artful fine art weddings and pave fresh wedding narratives for every couple. Their works are honest and organic and sometimes dramatic with gentle precisions.


They believe that wedding design is a collaborative process and hope to kick start an intimate process as they walk through your wedding celebration with you. On their website, it also boasts a strong portfolio categorised into each celebration for you to look at reference pictures of their previous works.


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Florals By BenitaBridal Bouquet

Florals By Benita is a cosy little studio opened by Benita with a soft spot for intimate and rustic weddings. Mostly self-taught, she is drawn to arrangements which are lush, romantic, elegant and occasionally wild and unrestrained. With a curious and forward-looking mind to constantly bring different textures to bridal bouquets and arrangements, she has created captivating and wonderful creations.


While they do not provide a ‘flower recipe’ of exactly what goes into your bridal bouquet due to the availability of different varieties changing each week, they will try their best to include your must-have wedding flowers if any.


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Liz FloralsBridal Bouquet

Founded by Liz, Liz Florals arrange wedding flowers to celebrate love, with their styling focusing on rustic, whimsical and romantic designs. Her greatest motivation stems from her desire to bring joy and inspiration to her clients. Alongside her training at Nobleman School of Floral Design, she has worked with various brands and styled for corporate events, weddings and photoshoots.


They also have specially customised bridal bouquets under a ‘One-n-Only series’. All you have to do is select your budget of $88, $128 and $188 and indicate colour and wedding flower preferences. With a variety of sample pictures available online, it’s assured that you will be in for a delightful treat!


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85 Flowers

Bridal Bouquet

Founded by Mrs Teo, a former bridal gown designer with an impeccable design sense and love for colours, shapes and textures, she was drawn to bridal floristry over 20 years ago. With intuitive listening and nimble fingers, her bespoke creations have brought clients back, event after event. Together with her is her daughter, Lindt, who now helms 85 Flowers. 85 Flowers is run by the duo in a humble stall at Fengshan market.


Wedding couples often check off all things floral effortlessly when they engage 85 Flowers. From church wedding styling, bridal bouquet, bridal car, accessories and venue decor, they are able to create stunning displays for you. They also hold workshops for those who are interested to learn how to make their own floral bridal bouquets.

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Bridal Bouquet

At Adorninglory, they have a fondness for bespoke handmade floral accessories, made from fabric and other light-weight materials. The services they provide include accessories customisation, floral bridal bouquets and arrangements, wedding reception decor.


Their speciality lies in their felt wedding flowers. With these handmade felt floral blooms, you get to create everlasting memories for your wedding! They can even create special ring pillows using the felt wedding flowers so that it will match your bridal bouquet. A variety of workshops like felt flower making and dried floral wreath are available.

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CCLee Design

Bridal Bouquet

CCLee Design’s forte lies in hotel floral management, wedding and special events floral. From astonishing hanging floral installations to elaborate and splendid centerpieces, the amount of intricate detail and effort put in for each piece is evident. The colours used are complementary and extremely bright and brilliant.


With their warm and professional service, they have received mostly 5-star reviews from their customers online.

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Fiore Dorato

Bridal Bouquet

Since 2006, Fiore Dorato has never stopped putting their greatest dedication and passion into creating exquisite flower arrangements for their couples. They hold onto their philosophy that be it a time for celebration or time or solemnity, each occasion leaves an imprint on our hearts indefinitely. Hence, they regard wedding flowers much more than just symbolic decorations. They consider wedding flowers an integral part of the concept, decor and visual and emotional impact of any decoration.


They believe that whether you choose vivid colours or romantic pastels, your personal style should shine through to make the occasion truly unique to you. This is because your choice of floral arrangements can not only transform a venue but it should also reflect your taste and personality.

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Fleur de Joy

Bridal Bouquet

Fleur de Joy is run as a home boutique and online floral studio. All of their bridal bouquets are bespoke from customisation of your favourite wedding flower to colour theme. They also have reference pictures and prices of their creations on their website for those who want more inspiration. Wrapping in classic and rustic ways are both available.


For those who want to get blooms but have no preference, Fleur de Joy has a special series titled ‘Blooms of the Week’. It would be a fun surprise to try this out because the blooms are different during different periods of the year and are based on the stock available at the time you order.

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Bridal Bouquet

At Fleurapy, they believe in the world of floral therapy. They are a floral creative studio and weave your love stories into nature. While specialising in venue styling and creative production, at the heart of their design practice is the passion for storytelling. With a multidisciplinary team of Fleurapists with backgrounds in art, graphic design, social work and architecture, their minds come together to push the boundaries in turning floral dreams to reality.


Throughout the years since 2014, they have experimented relentlessly and are always open to exploring more to bring innovation to their floral process. Fleurapy strives to always be adaptable to changes and is committed to progress each day.

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Bridal Bouquet

Fleurlicious makes sure you and your loved ones share the most wonderful experience coined by passion. They take pride in offering only the best quality of wedding flowers. While you bring the thought and idea, they will deliver the wedding flowers to suit your likes and needs. They also offer specialised services from the basic consulting and general styling, right down to complete design conception, project management and onsite execution.


Local actress-host Belinda Lee has also engaged Fleurlicious for her own wedding. With raving compliments towards Fleurlicious, it is a testament of the thought and effort put into each and every bridal bouquet.

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Floral Garage SingaporeBridal Bouquet

Floral Garage aims to be the best florist in Singapore for everyone. They have created countless floral displays and bouquets throughout the years. From floral purse, freestyle vase and jars, they have experimented with different materials, colours and flowers and have gotten efficient through the process. While they provide same day free delivery, they do not cut back on the amount of effort and thought that goes into each arrangement.


For those on a budget, they have a wide range of affordable bouquets under $50 which includes various stunning flowers like sunflowers, roses and baby breaths.

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Floral Magic

Bridal Bouquet

Floral Magic is helmed by a family, fronted by females, be it gran, mum, aunt, wife or sis. Among them, Lucy who has been a florist since 2000, has experimented with many styles and learnt from renowned designers from Belgium, Germany, Sweden and the USA. With a Diploma in Modern Floral Design from the American Floral Art School, she has also guided the rest of the core team (Anna, Jo and Linnette) since they were young. After they were also professionally trained in London and New York, their cumulative experience in fashion public relations, marketing, events and graphic design has evolved the sensibilities of Floral Magic’s work.


Now, they provide bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages, car decorations and other wearable flowers for you and your bridal party. Together, they have honed a fresh, moving and organic aesthetic for Floral Magic. They translate these values in their floral arrangements, dramatically transforming wedding venues in the meantime.

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Florals ActuallyBridal Bouquet

At Florals Actually, they will work closely with you to ensure that the colour themes, shapes and flower selections in your bridal bouquet meet your expectations. With a penchant for rustic and whimsical designs, they carefully curate every bespoke design to bring you a floral experience that’s uniquely yours.


Although they were founded relatively recent in 2017, their expertise can be seen from the bold splashes of petals to rustic berries shrubs they create in an arrangement.

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Flowers and JarsBridal Bouquet

As their name suggests, Flowers and Jars, floral designer and founder Fiona began her journey by designing and supplying a small range of hand-tied bouquets and Mason jar arrangements for close family and friends. Over time, the demand became greater and so did her passion to fulfill her customers’ desires.


Today, they serve a wide range of markets, clients and budgets. While their specialisation still lies in mason jar posies and arrangements, they provide a vast variety of flowers for your other wedding needs.

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Flower StoryBridal Bouquet

Flower Story provides bespoke floral services for any occasion from a simple gesture in the form of a hand bridal bouquet to decoration for celebrations. Their flowers are all handpicked from Ecuador, Holland, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Africa and many more countries to give you the best and largest varieties of flowers you need.


Nestled right in the heart of Jalan Besar, Flower Story aspires to tell your love story through flowers. They also offer floral bars services if you wish to have a DIY station at your wedding for your guests to create their own arrangements from a selection of flowers and materials.

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Green Point FlowersBridal Bouquet

Green Point Flowers has a great reputation for always delivering the right flowers no matter what the occasion is. They pride themselves on crafting unique flower bouquets and arrangements that always satisfy their clients. They believe that their creations stand apart from other corporate flower packages and designs on the market for their exquisite quality, originality and breathtaking beauty.


Guided by 3 key principles of quality, design and service, their experts will work with you throughout to develop the perfect floral concept for your wedding. Same day flower delivery is also available with a minimum of 10 hours lead time.

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hello flowers!Bridal Bouquet

hello flowers! is a social enterprise floral studio that creates beautiful moments with flowers and nature. At hello flowers!, you can expect a lot of experimenting, mixing and just letting nature speak for itself.

Founded by Annie, an idealistic individual who has trained and worked as a social worker, she has her eyes and heart open to social issues amidst the community. The team believes in empowering local women from all walks of life and recognise the therapeutic effect of flowers and nature. Through these soothing flowers, they seek to craft your dream bridal florals for your big day.

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Keira FloralBridal Bouquet

Founder of Keira Floral, Lowee, is mostly self-taught and her floral creations are inspired by Mother Nature. By how flora and fauna grow in the least expected places and are yet carefree and seemingly happy. With a strong love for these resilient yet delicate beings, each of her floral arrangements is unique and alive.


Keira Floral crafts thoughtfully and each floral work is meant to be a statement piece to celebrate the beautiful connection between Man and Nature. Floral workshops are also offered for anyone who needs a therapeutic getaway from their bustling lives.

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Petals & Foliage (Knots & Gifts)Bridal Bouquet

A sister brand to wedding planning company Inside The Knot, Knots & Gifts has a team of floral designers for Petals & Foliage. With their experience and skills, they are committed to creating a gorgeous arrangement for you. They ensure that you will get the best blooms. All of their designs are also omakase, representing the uniqueness of each design.


Having done both foliages, preserved and fresh floral arrangements, you can be assured they are able to fulfill your wants and needs.

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Sing See SoonBridal Bouquet

Since 1879, Sing See Soon has remained strong and successful in the industry while staying forward-looking. A family-owned business that is currently in the fifth generation, the home-grown company has gained pioneer status with its prominent portfolio of original and alluring floral creations.


What has cemented their status as a leading florist stems from an unwavering belief in a singular ingredient that nurtures all botanicals – love? With Sing See Soon, you can trust to receive only floral arrangements sealed with love.

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SkinnyBloomsBridal Bouquet

SkinnyBlooms creates arrangements with every bride’s penchant in mind. They are known for their bespoke creations that capture the heart of guests while embodying the couple’s style and personality. From personal hand-tied bridal bouquet creations to bridal car florals, any of your wedding floral needs can be fulfilled and with utmost sincerity and beauty by SkinnyBlooms.


As an added touch, they help create bridal bouquets that dry beautifully so that the bride can keep her wedding day bridal bouquet as a centrepiece beyond the wedding day.

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Stalk BlushBridal Bouquet

Stalk Blush has everything you ever need for a wedding floral decoration. Whether it’s for a simple solemnisation, intimate outdoor wedding or a dazzling banquet night, they will carefully curate suitable colours, textures and flowers to craft the perfect creations.


They also organise workshops for different events like Mother’s Day where you get to try your hand at floral arrangement while doing it with a sincere heart.

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The Bloomish EdenBridal Bouquet

As their name suggests, The Bloomish Eden seeks to bring the Eden of blooms and foliage closer to you one bespoke bridal bouquet at a time. With them, it is always a conversation with flowers. Their Edens are uniquely made to reflect your story. They have a signature rustic style and their timeless take on florals is a promise of spreading joy and love from their hearts into yours.


From the initial stages of enquiry to the finale of delivering your wedding florals to you, the team stays dedicated to nail every single detail to make your dream wedding a reality.

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The Floral AtelierBridal Bouquet

The Floral Atelier creates personal and impactful connections through luxury floral designs between you and your loved ones. They are also the sister company of The Wedding Atelier, an award-winning destination wedding planning company headquartered in Hong Kong.


One of their most popular collections is the ‘Eternity Collection’. Real flowers are carefully curated and arranged in cubes or bloom boxes to last for months to come. With a minimalistic base design, all their creations are sure to add a sophisticated touch to your wedding.

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The Flower LibraryBridal Bouquet

Established in 2014, The Flower Library is a floral studio inspired by the textures and elements of nature. The style for special occasions and events using only the freshest seasonal flowers, foliage, branches and even fruits to create evocative pieces and settings.


Whether you want bold splashes of colour or a simple classic piece, they craft stunning creations will definitely add a touch of magic to your wedding.

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Twenty Three FlowersBridal Bouquet

Twenty Three Flowers is a home-based floral and event styling source in Singapore. With bridal bouquets, prop rentals and styling services, it is a one-stop place for all your wedding decorations. They focus on injecting colours and details into your wedding through handcrafted decor and flowers.


From floral installations, linen, invitations to place cards, all of them are done up with passion and down to the very last intrinsic detail.

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Whim & PrayerBridal Bouquet

Whim & Prayer was founded by a botanical craftsman together with his emotional support dog, which explains their logo. His creative process can be distilled to this – finding the most unexpected or visually arresting available in the flower markets on that day. With such a process, you can be sure to receive an arrangement that is a fun surprise.

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